Ciao, tutti!
First little tidbit of information, now all my articles for the Herald can be accessed from one quick and easy link:
So, at the moment I am frenzied, flustered and frustrated with the stressful labors of applying to college. It's annoying, but really not as bad as I expected, if I'm being honest. The good thing is that I can work on my essays, resumes and such during school, while the rest of the class is studying Latin, physics, or some other lesson I wouldn't understand even if they were taught in English because I didn't study them in the States. Since there's nothing else of much interest to do, it's easy to buckle down and focus on what I need to get done.
Sometime soon, though, I'm supposed to stop taking these classes that don't do me much good. I talked about it with the AFS school coordinator and now my English teacher, who's the one that helps me and makes sure everything is going well, is making me a special schedule. I will get to move around instead of staying with the same class all day. I'm going to miss 5B, but I think I'll still be with them quite a bit and besides this way I get to meet way more people at my school. I'll be taking Italian on a less advanced level, and going between several English classes to help teach. I won't have to do Latin or physics and I'll probably find a math class that is similar to something I remember learning back home. It might be confusing at first to move around so much, but I think this is going to be much, much better for my language-learning. I'm excited!
I know this is a very short post, but I'll try to blog again very soon. I have Monday and Tuesday off from school this week, so I ought to have a chance. Ciao for now, though, because I'm going out with some of my wonderful AFS friends!
Hi I'm an AFSer going to italy for the 2012-2013 school year and I will also be applying to college while there. I'm rather worried about this. Do you have any advice?where did you apply?