I am so looking forward to it! I absolutely love traveling and airports. I love the sound of rolling suitcases and the interesting people-watching and the feeling you get in your head and belly the moment the plane lifts off the ground. I even love the smell of airports and airplanes, not because it smells good, necessarily, but because of the wonderful associations it has in my mind.
One thing I did discover on my trip to New York, though, was that traveling is slightly less relaxing without parents to depend on. In the past, I've always been able to let them take care of getting me where I need to go when I need to go there, coordinating everything. This time I had to do that all by myself, which wasn't quite as easy. A big part of that may have been the fact that I was flying space-available (I fly for free since my parents used to work for US Air) which is a great deal more complicated than normal flying. There's all the hassle of making sure you're on the standby list and waiting for everyone else to board and keeping your fingers crossed that there'll be a seat for you. But I won't have to deal with any of that on the way to Italy. It'll probably be super fun and exciting because I'll be traveling with a bunch of other AFS-ers.
Alright, so New York City. Wonderful, obviously. The last (and only other) time I went there was spring break of last year. That time I did more of the tourist-y things like the Empire State Building and riding the Staten Island Ferry past the Statue of Liberty and visiting Times Square and all those sorts of things. This time I did more of the shopping-eating-exploring sort of thing. Which was totally fun. I was lucky to get to spend my weekend there with my old neighbors Jenna and Michaela Scott, staying at Jenna's apartment. They were super sweet and hospitable.
We ate so much good food while I was there. I'm about to talk about it in detail, because I'm crazy about food. If it bores you, go ahead and skip over this paragraph. I don't mind... The first night we met their dad (who's one of MY dad's best friends) at a Mexican restaurant. It was super delicious. Their salsa was the perfect balance of spicy-ness and cool limey-ness. We also had guacamole which I've always avoided because my dad hates it so I assumed it was gross, but it was awesome. For my main course I ordered Chiles Rellenos (that's a chile stuffed with melted cheese and covered with an egg batter) and it was really good. The Saturday morning that I was there, we went to the Waverly Diner and I had Eggs Benedict which was yummy and a cafe latte. For lunch Jenna and I went to The Plaza Food Hall by Todd English, where I ate Risotto "Tater Tots" and a Fig & Prosciutto flatbread pizza which also had a rosemary crust, fig jam, and gorgonzola. The figs were so plump and sweet and had the most incredible contrast with the prosciutto and gorgonzola. It was so good. My mouth is watering a little just thinking about it. That night we stopped by Cafe Angelique right down the street from the apartment for dessert. I had a Frozen Mint Lemonade. It was very refreshing and very minty. Unlike most "mint" things, it didn't taste like mint flavoring so much as actual mint sprigs. It reminded my of the mint leaves I used to pluck from my grandmother's garden when I was younger. So, yes. Lots of incredible food.
You can expect that I'll be telling you a ton about the food while I'm in Italy. Food is one of my biggest passions. To be totally honest, the food is a big part of why I chose Italy as my exchange destination. I've considered becoming a food critic one day and this blog will give me an opportunity for some practice in that area. The only problem is that I love just about everything I eat so it is a bit hard for me to be actually "critical." It'll probably be more like bubbly gushing about the deliciousness of everything!
So, I also did some shopping in New York. Whenever I shop now I alway try to think in the back of my head "what will be useful in Italy?" I don't know much about the styles there in comparison to here. Is it the same? I don't really know. All I really have to go by is what I see in the pictures on my host sister's facebook page and the school website. Lots of scarves, I think. It gets cold in the wintertime. The stuff I got in New York is more summery (specifically the most adorable pair of Free People shorts and a flowy white dress, a pretty embroidered tank top and a grey tshirt dress from H&M ) but I think I'll get good use out of it. I'll worry about packing when it gets a little closer to time.
The other biggest thing I did in New York was visiting the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met. It was phenomenal! I could go on and on and on about it, but I won't since I can't rationally connect it to Italy without a big stretch (that's the hard thing about this blog - deciding what is and isn't relevant). But if you're going to New York any time soon I highly recommend that exhibit.
I suppose that's it for now. I'll be back with more about my Italy preparations soon. In the mean time, I want to know who's reading this. Click "follow" over to the right, and if you have anything to say (like maybe what is and isn't cool to wear in Italy if you know, or even just "hi") leave me a comment! Later!
Yum.... I'm hungry now! New York sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteCommento in italiano e poi ti scrivo la traduzione in inglese di 'google translate' perchè non parlo inglese abbastanza bene da poter commentare direttamente in inglese! ahahah
ReplyDeletemi sono appena resa conto di capire abbastanza bene l'inglese ( leggendo il tuo blog) e di essere incapace nell'esprimermi! :)
tu verrai a Brescia, il cibo, almeno per come sono abituata io, è buono ma non esageratamente vario! Sappi che io non sono un'amante del cibo però! A mia mamma piace molto cucinare e penso che quando sarai qui e le dirò che non vedi l'ora di provare la cucina italiana ne sarà entusiasta!
io non so cucinare nulla a parte i Risotti e se vorrai ti insegnerò a fare ! :)
per la moda non essere preoccupata! non fa freddissimo qui! probabilmente guardando le mie foto l'avrai pensato perchè io AMO le sciarpe, e le uso anche a Maggio ( di cotone ovviamente!)
poi non vedo l'ora di andare a fare shopping con te! qui a Bs non ci sono molti negozi ma ce ne sono alcuni fantastici.... poi Chandler sinceramente fregatene! vestiti come ti senti più a tuo agio :)
Adesso vado a leggere il post di Agosto! vedrò di commentare anche quello! non vedo l' ora che tu arrivi :)
I Comment in Italian and then I copy here the English translation for 'google translate' because I do not speak English well enough to comment directly in English! hahaha
I just realized to understand English well enough (by reading your blog) and being unable to expressing my views! :)
You will come to Brescia, the food, at least as I'm used to, but not too different is good! Know that I am not a lover of food though! At my mom loves to cook and I think when you get here and say that you can not wait to try the Italian cuisine will be thrilled!
I do not know how to cook anything apart from the risotto, and if you want to teach you to do! :)
for fashion not be worried! is not very cold here! probably looking at my photos because I thought I LOVE the scarves, and also used in May (of cotton, of course!)
Then do not wait to go shopping with you! here in Bs there are not many shops but there are some fantastic .... Chandler then frankly fregatene! dress how you feel most comfortable with:)
I'm going to read the post in August! I'll try to comment too! I can not wait 'time for you to come:)
Okay sooo i started reading your blog because i saw the words Chandler (my name too :) and Italy which is a country i would love to go to, but im going to argentina with afs in february because spanish is my love! And all the things you said in this post sound exactly like me! I was likeee woahhh especially the part about airports! maybe its the name thing... idk hahah well nice blog and i cant wait to hear more :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, awesome! :) Thanks! And have fun in Argentina!!! :)
ReplyDeleteJust curious... (I'm going on AFS, not sure where yet...) did you gat any gifts for your host family?
ReplyDelete- and if yes... any suggestions?