Friday, April 6, 2012

With a little help from my friends

I promise, you guys, posts about my trips to Dublin and Sicily are coming soon. I promise. Really. It might be helpful that I'm on Spring/Easter break right now so... maybe? Maybe you can expect me to get up to date in these next few days. Or, well, tomorrow. If I feel like it. Because after that, Sunday's Easter so I might be busy and then my cousin Sarah is coming to visit me here Monday - Friday. Anyway, I know I'm behind and I'll get on it ASAP probably.

In the mean time, I have a favor to ask you.

I was super excited a while back to find out that a poem I wrote about Venice entitled "Venezia" had been accepted for publication in the National High School Poetry Quarterly. I knew this involved some scholarship possibilities, but I was mostly just excited to be published.

Turns out, my poem was selected by the editors as one of five nominees for "Best of Issue." I'm totally excited and honored by this. And here's where you come in: the Best of Issue winner is selected from the five nominees by an online vote. It would mean the world to me if you'd consider voting for me. You can read the five nominated poems at and then if you think mine's the best, you can vote for it by sending an email to   with the poem's title (Venezia) in the subject line. Only one vote per email address is allowed. 

I would appreciate your votes so so so so much. I found out last week that I have been accepted to NYU, which is crazy amazing and ridiculously exciting. If I go there, though, (or really any of the schools I'm looking at) I'm definitely going to need some help from scholarships. So, thanks for assisting me in that.

I owe you some really excellent blog updates complete with breath-taking photos and descriptions of places and things and feelings and whatnot. It's coming. I'm on it. And for now:

(because it seems like an appropriate song for favor-asking)